Seasonal festivals
8 Celebrations For Seasonal Living
Living seasonally should be done in smalls ways every day. That does not mean there aren’t opportunities for meaningful celebrations during the year.
The basic calendar of festivals is more familiar in its northern hemisphere format, but this can easily be adapted for the southern hemisphere.
- Winter Solstice – ca. 21 December/June
The Winter Solstice is the day the long hours of winter darkness start growing shorter, and the light begins to increase. It is often associated with family, feasting, and fun.
The day is a good opportunity to light a candle and remember that, even dark and chaotic times hold within them the promise of new life.
- Imbolc – 2 February/August
In ancient Ireland and other Celtic countries, Imbolc was a festival of light and the start of the lambing season.
As winter nears its end, light a few candles, and reflect on how you can bring more creativity into your life over the coming year.
- Spring Equinox – ca. 21 March/September
By the time the Spring Equinox comes around, signs of the season of new life and growth are everywhere. Eggs are popularly associated with the festival.
Why not paint or dye boiled eggs as gifts, and think about how your plans for the year are progressing?
- Beltane – 1 May/November
Beltane, later May Day, was the time of the Green Man and dancing the maypole to connect heaven and earth. If you do not meditate regularly, this day is a good time to start.
Alternatively, take the light-hearted approach, and join a dance class, and get yourself into the summer spirit.
- Summer Solstice – ca. 21 June/December
The high point of summer was celebrated in ancient times by lighting bonfires and playing games. It’s the perfect time for a barbeque, so when lighting the fire, think about how good it feels to be alive.
If no one wants to join you for board games or fun activities, you can find games and other opportunities at the best mobile betting sites.
- Lammas – 2 August/February
Traditionally associated with the wheat harvest, Lammas is a good time to bake bread. Why not bake a loaf, and share it with friends and family?
It’s a great time to reflect on how many of your goals have been achieved thus far.
- Autumn Equinox – ca. 21 September/March
The Autumn Equinox is a good time to ask yourself some of the questions many people would prefer to avoid. How do you measure up to the values you hold dear? If you were to die that night, would you be proud of the life you lived?
Light a candle, and think about how you could make any life changes you think are necessary.
- Samhain – 1 November/May
The beginning of winter was the time to slaughter animals to stock up on food for the winter.
Light a candle in remembrance of family, friends, and loved ones who have died, especially in the past year. It is also a good time to reflect on your own mortality. Remember, the festival is followed 6 weeks later by the Winter Solstice!