Why Being Mindful Can Improve Your Interactions With Co-Workers?
Practising mindfulness can undoubtedly provide a lot of benefits. Studies have associated the technique to stronger emotional control, lower risk of depression and anxiety, as well as a better memory. Now, researchers say that mindfulness can also improve interactions with our co-workers.
It is reported that individual mindfulness can lead to mindful interactions and relationships with co-workers. These interactions, frequently characterised by genuine intentionality, compassion, and presence, can possibly make an entire office, company, or organisation far more harmonious.
A good understanding of how people bring mindfulness with them to work, as well as how these practices could contribute to interaction and relationship quality, is particularly relevant as work landscapes are ever changing and interdependence is progressively becoming the norm.
Mindfulness gives us the reminder that our thoughts and emotions are complex. They are contextualised by prior that are events experienced within a social environment as well as within this social environment, people must be aware of both their own and others’ thoughts and emotions in order to traverse these complexities with skill and compassion.
What Is Mindfulness?
The term ‘mindfulness’ refers to the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are as well as what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or swamped by what’s going on around us. While we all possess mindfulness naturally, it’s more easily available to us when we practise on a daily basis.
Each time you bring awareness to what you’re experiencing directly via your senses, or to your state of mind through your emotions and thoughts, you’re being mindful. And there’s mounting research showing that when you train your brain to be mindful, you’re really remodelling the physical structure of your brain.
How To Begin Practising Mindfulness
At its core, mindfulness is an activity which needs to be practised regularly as well as with intention. With these cornerstones firmly in mind, let’s consider a couple of ways to introduce mindfulness into your daily life.
Start With A Daily Routine
The initial step is to introduce a day-to-day routine. As with any exercise, mindfulness benefits from usual practice. Researchers frequently use a mindfulness intervention plan which takes place across many weeks. Decide on an quiet time of day that you are able to set aside to practise mindfulness, and keep this time in your schedule.
Mindfulness Is A Way Of Understanding, Thinking, And Behaving
You would be absolutely forgiven if you thought that mindfulness is merely an activity. In fact, mindfulness is a way of understanding and observing. It can be developed using a number of different tools. Some of these tools include meditation, exercises as well as breathing.
Commit, Commit, Commit
The most crucial step prior to embarking on this journey is to commit to it. Some meta-analyses have highlighted different effects for mindfulness interventions. Authors feel that this might be because the participants are not engaging in their mindfulness homework exercises or – alternatively – engaging for too short a period in order to see results.