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Category: Meditation

Unwind From Life’s Chaos

Unwind From Life’s Chaos

In today’s fast-paced and digitally connected world, it’s important to find moments of relaxation and respite from the demands of modern life. Taking time for yourself and engaging in relaxing distractions can help reduce stress, promote mental well-being, and restore a sense of balance. Here are some activities that can serve as soothing distractions from the hustle and bustle of everyday life:

Enjoying Solitude: Things to Do If You Don’t Like Spending Time Alone

Enjoying Solitude: Things to Do If You Don’t Like Spending Time Alone

One thing’s for sure and that is that everybody feels differently about spending time alone – some love it, others hate it. But the fact of the matter is, regardless of how sociable you are and how many friends you have, we all need to be okay with spending time on our own. Not only is it unavoidable, but it’s also actually really good for you to be comfortable with and to enjoy your own company.

What Can You Learn About Mindfulness With NLP?

What Can You Learn About Mindfulness With NLP?

Mindfulness is a delightful state of being to be in. Being very much in the present moment gives you the opportunity to be deeply present and aware.  There is just something about conscious awareness which brings immediate calming and therapeutic effects. This is of course something which has been known for thousands of years.

The Benefits of Adult Coloring Books

The Benefits of Adult Coloring Books

Adult coloring books is a craze that took the world by storm a few years ago, and they don’t seem to be going away. It seems to be an activity that has captured the imaginations of all ages and there are some very good reasons for this. For one, the act of coloring a predetermined image is incredibly beneficial for your mental wellbeing.

Creating a Sacred Space for Meditation Sessions

Creating a Sacred Space for Meditation Sessions

Having a quiet and peaceful place in which to meditate is a vital part of the experience. Meditation is a wonderful tool that can be used to heal your soul, clear your head, and help in manifesting your desires. However, if you want to get the most out of your sessions, you will need to be in a place with good energy and tranquillity!

Getting Started with Mindfulness Meditation

Getting Started with Mindfulness Meditation

Getting Started with Mindfulness Meditation Mindfulness meditation has been proven to have a positive effect on the symptoms of depression and anxiety and many have reported feeling significantly calmer after consistent mindfulness meditation practise. If you’re looking to get started, here is a step-by-step guide to mindfulness meditation.

Low Cost Hobbies for Everyone to Enjoy

Low Cost Hobbies for Everyone to Enjoy

Low Cost Hobbies for Everyone to Enjoy Are you looking for a way to fill up your spare time? Hobbies are entertaining, fulfilling, and can really enhance your life. There are numerous benefits to spending time doing something you enjoy for no reason except that you are having fun, and it doesn’t necessarily have to cost an arm and a leg!

Fractals In Nature

Fractals In Nature

The Power Of Natural Fractals Above all of our other sense, sight is arguably the most influential on the human species as a whole. Much of our daily lives are built around our ability to perceive the world around us through our vision, and scientists have discovered that there are a lot of unseen influences on our minds that we would otherwise never know existed.

Philosophical Meditation Explained

Philosophical Meditation Explained

Philosophical Meditation Explained We constantly think about things and have various feelings such as regrets, feelings of envy, hurts, we are anxious and sometimes we experience excitement.  Most times we do not usually analyse these feelings or make sense of them.  It is often too difficult or painful and anxiety comes with this thinking process.  When we do not analyse these thoughts they often grow over time.  These feelings and thoughts need to be dealt with as they often show…

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A Guide to 5 Popular Meditation Types

A Guide to 5 Popular Meditation Types

A Guide to 5 Popular Meditation Types We live in a stressful, anxiety-inducing time and for many of us this means a dulling of the senses and feelings of being overwhelmed and overextended. However, meditation offers the perfect reprieve from the emotional and physical noise we endure on a daily basis and research suggests that meditation is useful for more than just a temporary relief from stress. Through improving mental and physical wellbeing, meditation has many proven long-term health benefits….

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