The Role Dogs Play in Our Emotional Wellbeing

The Role Dogs Play in Our Emotional Wellbeing

As the author and comedian Josh Billings once said, the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself is a dog! There are many reasons this creature is held to be man’s best friend, well-known to those who already own them. They are dependable, devoted, loving, loyal, and, typically, adorable. Who wouldn’t want a best friend with these kinds of qualities? The universal love of dogs is older than the pyramids and recent research has shown…

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Invoking Lakshmi for Abundance in Your Yoga Practice

Invoking Lakshmi for Abundance in Your Yoga Practice

In the pantheon of Hindu deities, Lakshmi, the mother goddess, is the symbol of beauty, good fortune, and prosperity. She is the feminine counterpart and wife of Vishnu, one of the three main gods in Hinduism and the Absolute Supreme Being in Vaishnava, and she blesses her devotees with material and spiritual wealth.

The Power of Positive Thinking

The Power of Positive Thinking

There is a lot to be said about the energy and intentions we put out in to the world, and positive thinking is something that we could all do a little more of. It’s amazing how quickly we can see the bad in situations or predict the negative, but how much better we actually feel when we look at the brighter side of things.

Creating a Sacred Space for Meditation Sessions

Creating a Sacred Space for Meditation Sessions

Having a quiet and peaceful place in which to meditate is a vital part of the experience. Meditation is a wonderful tool that can be used to heal your soul, clear your head, and help in manifesting your desires. However, if you want to get the most out of your sessions, you will need to be in a place with good energy and tranquillity!

The Best Mantras For Yoga

The Best Mantras For Yoga

Focus and awareness, as difficult as they can be to maintain, are two essential ingredients for anyone who wants to truly benefit from yoga. For thousands of years, yogis have calmed the mind and cultivated conscious presence during their exercises and meditation by reciting mantras.

The Benefits of Iyengar Yoga

The Benefits of Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar is one of the more traditional types of yoga, and is widely believed to be the form that holds the most power to both benefit and heal our bodies. There are many reasons to start practicing it, and you’ll soon see what advantages it lends to your life as a whole once you start making time for it during your day.

Quick Ways to Get Healthy

Quick Ways to Get Healthy

If you are short on time but big on motivation, these quick ways to get healthy are sure to help you. Just changing a few of your habits could out you on the path to wellness, and it won’t even take that much effort. Plus the rewards will be well worth your while. Take the Stairs Make this your motto and live by it. Rather than taking an escalator or jumping in a lift, take the stairs whenever and wherever…

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Great Green Outdoors Sports Tips

Great Green Outdoors Sports Tips

When we think of going green we don’t always think about sport in the same context. But we can actually help reduce our carbon footprint and cut back on the effect we have on the environment when we get our exercise too.

Everything You Need To Know About Hot Yoga

Everything You Need To Know About Hot Yoga

Hot yoga has become increasing trendy, and whether its Bikram or heated Vinyasa classes, everyone is raving about it. If you want to find out about the pros and cons we’ve listed them here so you can work out if this work out is for you!