Quick Ways to Get Healthy

Quick Ways to Get Healthy

If you are short on time but big on motivation, these quick ways to get healthy are sure to help you. Just changing a few of your habits could out you on the path to wellness, and it won’t even take that much effort. Plus the rewards will be well worth your while.

Take the Stairs

Make this your motto and live by it. Rather than taking an escalator or jumping in a lift, take the stairs whenever and wherever you can. You’ll soon see just how much longer you can climb without losing your breath

Walk don’t Drive

We all hear about that person who drives 10 minutes to get to gym, then jumps back in their car and drives home. Don’t be that person. Whenever you can walk to and from gym or wherever you are going to exercise. You can consider the walk there your warm up, and your walk home your cool down.

Eat Breakfast

It is not called the most important meal of the day for nothing! Use your breakfast to give you a kick-start and you’ll feel a whole lot better for it. There are some awesome quick and simple healthy recipes that will get your day started off on the right foot.

Quit Soft Drinks

If you drink even 1 soft drink a day its about a up of sugar per can! That’s a lot of sugar that you don’t really need. Try and swamp fizzy sodas for things like sparkling water, or make your own ice tea. You’ll soon see the results.

Swap your Bowls

If you are eating portions that may be too big, swap to smaller bowls. This way, you’ll still feel like you are getting a full bowl’s worth of food, but you won’t actually be over eating.

Set a Fitness Goal

This is the easy way to stay accountable. If you set yourself a goal and stick to it, you’ll feel like you have achieved something too. There is no better motivation, and if possible, get a group of friends together and set yourselves a target, and turn it into a bit of a healthy competition.

Snack Healthy

We all need to snack and its something that we often do without putting too much thought into it. This can be a huge mistake. When you watch TV or play at an online casino, ensure you have healthy snacks at hand. Carrot sticks with hummus, popcorn or wholegrain crackers with a little bit of cheese are all far healthier than chips, chocolate and sweets.

Get Some Sleep

Sleep is good for you, and if you are not getting enough you need to start making sure that you change your habits. Burn out, extreme fatigue and even illnesses can often be exacerbated by a lack of sleep, so getting some extra zzz’s is never a bad idea. If you can cat nap, even better, this way you’ll feel bright and perky during the day too!

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